My first post!!!

This is my first post on my new travel blog. I set up this blog as a travel journal for myself, but with the added benefit of sharing it with you, my family & friends. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. :) Really, I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm figuring out this whole blog thing as I go, so bear with me.

Traveling for me is my life. People are sometimes amazed at how frequently I travel. I do travel a lot, compared to most. Traveling is my thing. I grew up traveling- it was my life. I was in a new city or even state every week for 5 years of my life growing up. It was a great experience, but really wrecked me. I was bitten by the travel bug at a young age so there's no going back now. Traveling is my hobby. I love it. I absolutely love the planning & research that goes along with it. I love seeing new places. I even love to pack- it's one of my favorite parts! I'm always asking, "Is six weeks before my trip too early to start packing?". Traveling really is my hobby, which for me is fine, 'cause in between trips I don't really like to do much. I'm a homebody. I love to be home on a Saturday with nothing to do just as much as I love to be exploring Europe. Saturdays are my "waste of makeup days". It takes a lot for me to agree to do anything on a Saturday. I prefer to be home doing nothing or traveling throughout the world- see my problem here? No real middle ground. It's all or nothing for me. :)

Now that you understand my travel obsession, let me fill you in with what to expect from this blog. I will be updating this blog throughout the planning stages of my trips. Once on my trip, this will turn to a travel journal, so that you can hear about all the craziness that happens to me & my travel companions while on these trips. Like for example, when I was in Egypt and they were trying to buy me for some camels! Yeah, really happened- twice actually. The second time they threw in a donkey too! (If I ever wonder about my self worth I now can remind myself that I am at least worth a couple of camels & a donkey. Good to know)  I find that once you get home from a trip you really forget a lot of the little things that happened on your trip that made it so memorable. That's what started me on journaling my trips.

This is also for the wonderful people in my life who join me on these trips. Most of them live far from me & I want them to feel as though they are a part of the planning stages, my favorite part. Also, this is to get them excited about their upcoming trip.

Now for the trips. I have three big trips coming up with some awesome people!

First, in May I'll be heading to Disney World with one of my best friends, Kristin. You know Kristin is a good friend of mine- 'cause she's a Yankee Fan. That fact alone proves that love does transcend all! Kristin is a big pranker & quite cold-hearted(inside joke, that you'll hear a lot) like me. Needless to say we get along great! This will be a fun trip... to say the least!

Next is my huge trip throughout Europe in September. When I first started talking about this trip most people thought I was doing this trip on my own. Um, yeah. Anyone seen Taken? I don't think so. My parents are coming along on this trip as a celebration of their 40th Wedding Anniversary. This trip has been in the making for almost two years. I can't believe how close it is! There's a lot of details coming for this one, 'cause as I said- it's huge! Highlights include: Ireland, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal & more.

Finally, my last big trip is back to Disney World in December, with another one of my best friends Dyanna. Yes, this will be my second trip to Disney in the same year & if you think that's odd, you obviously don't know me that well & it's probably a good thing that you're reading this blog. We'll be there for all the Christmas festivities & I can't wait! We're even going to try & get on the Christmas Day parade taping with Regis & Kelly. Should be interesting. This trip will be my two favorite things, Christmas & Disney World all put together. Plus, when Dyanna & I get together it's nonstop laughter, now add in the fact that we'll be at the "happiest place on the earth"... yeah, it should make for an interesting trip.

Well, those are the big trips. I say big trips, 'cause I've been known to take off on a weekend to visit family, head on a road trip with my best friends Jason & Tonya or head out to see Dyanna in Michigan. I think these three will be the only trips though, 'cause Europe is huge. Dave Ramsey would not approve of any more travel expenses in 2010! But we'll see. A quick trip could be considered an emergency & could quite conveniently be funded by my emergency fund. :)

So I think that's everything for now. Next up you'll be reading about my trip with Kristin. Also, I'll start with some Europe details. Did I mention that this trip is going to be huge?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog Lisa. Can't wait to read more. Love you, Mom!