Well after quite an interesting two weeks I'm back. I would like to share with you my discoveries in the last two weeks. I found that $1,550 in unexpected vet bills in the last two months alone, can really make a person go insane. I have also found that having a dog is totally like having children... I'm scheduling a hysterectomy today. Also, I'm a pro at being snowed in without power- this was my second time, both of which I was totally alone. And finally, refinishing a cabinet is completely mundane & tedious. Refinishing a cabinet during Olympic Curling competitions, however, is a whole new experience. I found myself sanding that cabinet like I was an extra member of the Swedish Olympic team sweeping that fast ice so that my rock could glide freely into it's defensive position securing the Swedes the gold. By the time I was done sanding that cabinet I had a perfectly sanded cabinet ready for stain, biceps people would kill for (okay maybe not kill for, but at least use illegal substances to obtain) & a gold medal in Curling. Seriously, try sanding while watching Curling- you can't not go at full speed & yell right along with them! "Gå!! Snabbare!! Gå!!! Gå!!!!!" I think I have found my calling. Now that I have you up-to-date on my past two weeks & I have totally met my useless rambling quota for this post, I'll get back to what we're all here for... "Lisa, you just won a gold medal in curling. What are you gonna do now?!" "Jag tänker Disney World!" Kristin & I are headed to WDW in just 62 days. So exciting! I thought I would write a little more about the resort that we are most likely staying at. Again, I say most likely, because we are on the "you wish list" I mean "wait-list" for the Beach Club Resort. We could end up being moved to the Beach Club as few as three days before arrival. Since I think I'm going have just a tiny bit on my mind 3 days before leaving, I though I'd fill you in on the Boardwalk now & then if we actually do get moved, I'll update you once there. As I said earlier, the Boardwalk Resort & Villas is my favorite resort on Disney property. It's not one of the more popular resorts, but to me it's enchanting! The Boardwalk Resort & Villas is made up of two parts- one half of the resort is a Disney Deluxe Resort, the other half is Disney's Home Away From Home Resort, aka Disney Vacation Club Resort. The BWV (Boardwalk Villas) was Disney's third DVC resort. My parents actually toured the BWV back in 1996 when it was first open & selling DVC contracts. If only they knew what they were passing up! BWV is the smallest DVC resort, but by no means does that mean it's small. The DVC side alone has 532 rooms, so it isn't tiny. I just stayed at the BWV this past October during major renovations. In October if you asked me, I wasn't too thrilled about these renovations, but ask me now & I am thrilled! They totally remodeled all of the rooms, including adding flat screen tvs, because while I'm at WDW I need to have a nice tv to watch- it would be just too boring without it! So Kristin & I have newly refurbished rooms to look forward to. Most important to look forward to at BWV is the location. Say it with me, "location, location, location." The BWV has the best location on Disney property. Now before you start yelling gibberish about the Contemporary Resort at your computer monitors... relax & take a breath. My blog remember. Na na na na na na. Yes, the Contemporary has an unbelievable convenience to MK, however, you are almost totally dependent on the bus system if you are looking to go anywhere other than MK. Yes, I know you can also take the monorail to Epcot, but you have to take TWO monorails to get there. Um... I'm on vacation people- way too much to think about. Now that we have established that this is in fact my blog, so you have to listen to my opinion (oh, the power) & that while I am on vacation I am too lazy to take two monorails, let me now introduce you to the joys of the Epcot resort area. The Epcot resort area is made up of 5 hotels surrounding a beautiful lake, sandwiched right between both Epcot & MGM (don't give me that, "It's Hollywood Studios" garbage- it's MGM! It was ALWAYS be MGM.) Anyhow. This area screams connivence! To get to Epcot from BWV it's a 8 minute walk, yes I said walk. To get to MGM(!) it's a 15 minute walk. Don't feel like walking? No problem because the Friendship boats are there with a smile waiting to take you to the parks. Hungry? No problem... the Boardwalk alone has 4 restaurants, a bakery, candy shop & general store. This isn't including the restaurants at the other 4 surrounding resorts or the 8 minute walk to Epcot. The parks not enough for you? How about a nice swim in one of the 3 pools at BWV alone? There's also miniature golf, two arcades, surrey (see below) & standard bike rentals, boat rentals, fireworks cruise, tennis, croquet, playground, board game & movie rentals, craft time & even a fitness center to work off that detestable white bread! What were you saying Contemporary fans? Now before you go thinking that I am a BWV snob (I am), I do enjoy the Contemporary Resort. If I had kids I could see the pull, but thanks to my foreseeable hysterectomy, I don't have to worry about that. Like I said, I do like the CR, but it's just not nearly as convenient, especially with the addition of the DVC building, which by the way looks terribly familiar. With the addition of all those rooms, do you know how crowded that monorail station will now be? And the buses. Ugh! I like to call them purgatory! When I, a lady, have to give up my seat for the elderly or moms with children & there are men, guys, boys, whatever sitting nice & comfy with no plans of moving you know we have a messed up system! I HATE the buses. Not for the ride, not even cause I may have to stand after a long day. It's because I have to be in such close proximity to the thing I can't handle most- people. Seriously people, we need to start teaching common courtesy, decency & chivalry! "Serenity Now! Serenity Now!" Staying at the BWV only has me going on the bus to Animal Kingdom (Nahtazu... riiiiight), Downtown Disney & Magic Kingdom- all of which are a very short ride, compared to the marathon bus ride it is from the Magic Kingdom area to say, Downtown Disney. Ouch! Now if I haven't completely sold you on how magical the BWV is, let me introduce you to a thing called Boardwalk View. I'll let the pictures do the talking... okay I kinda will, I can't not say anything when looking at BWV pictures. (click the pics to enlarge them)
The nighttime view from my private balcony...
The Daytime view from my private balcony...
Genesis 9:12-13 "And God Said, 'This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant me and the earth.' "
Oh, yes I did. I brought God into the argument & I won. Now what anit-Boarwalk fans??
The similarity in the new Contemporary DVC wing...
R.I.P. Shea!
A surrey bike...

I won't be putting any more pics of the Boardwalk Resort up until we get there... gotta leave somethin' to the imagination. Too bad most teen girls haven't figured out that concept yet.
Tills nästa gång...
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